Busted! Don’t Believe These Window Cleaning Myths!
Cleaning your windows might look like a straightforward task. You have one goal in mind, and that is to achieve a spick and span streak free window. However, achieving a perfect result is not as easy as it sounds. With modern inventions and technology, traditional cleaning methods are being questioned, and modern scientifically-backed solutions are all the rage. But in this plethora of options, what techniques will actually help you achieve your perfectly clean windows? And what techniques are a bust and can cause more problems than before?
Over time there have been many myths regarding window cleaning and the perfect way to do it. While some of these myths are based on facts, some are not. To help you steer clear of these misconceptions, ProSource Window Cleaning has debunked some of the most widely believed myths about window cleaning.
Myth 1: It’s a good practice to hose down your windows
While this may sound like an easy way to clean your windows, it isn’t the best way. Hosing down your windows will make the alkaline in the water cause spots on it, forcing you to start all over again. In areas with hard water, windows can get stained with mineral deposits. When cleaning windows yourself, it’s recommended you do it by hand to remove built-up dirt. Use a soft microfiber cloth and work the window from top to bottom. To get the best results, use a commercial cleanser or a vinegar and water solution.
Myth 2: Rain makes the windows dirty
Many people believe that the rain will make your windows dirty and therefore avoid cleaning them when it’s raining or about to rain. This just isn’t true! Modern windows are designed to use the rain to remove dirt and small debris from your windows. However, rain can’t remove all the dirt from your windows, and when it mixes with substances such as bird poop, it can make your windows dirtier. Simply clean your windows regularly enough so that you can help prevent a build-up of sticky bird poop and dirt, the rain will then wash down your windows for you with no trouble.
Myth 3: Dirty windows don’t get noticed
People often make the mistake of thinking that dirty windows go unnoticed. This can be true to a small degree, provided you have minimal dirt and dust settling on your windows, is evenly dispersed throughout the windows, and you don’t examine them too closely. However, if the sun hits those windows just right, the dirt will show up as a hazy mess of tiny particles and shadows on your windows. Dirty windows also block light from entering your home, which can have a negative impact on your health. Regular window cleanups are vital for your health and can help prolong the life of your windows.
If you’re looking to steer clear of these myths, reach out to ProSource Window Cleaning.
As the best residential and commercial window cleaners in Orange County / Los Angeles, our mission is to be “Clearly Better” than our competitions and be seen as Southern California’s most respected window cleaning company. We will accomplish this through superior customer service and customer support for our customers while providing personal and professional growth to our employees. Just because it’s our mission to deliver world-class service, does that automatically make it true?
We have successfully been able to hold our standard since 2003, and we let our customers do the talking. We offer services such as residential cleaning services, commercial cleaning services, maintenance plans and specialty services such as gutter cleaning, screen cleaning, solar panel cleaning, etc. For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about ProSource Window Cleaning, we’d love to hear from you, please contact us here.